Competitions and Sponsorship Opportunities

The Australian Friesian Warmblood Horse Society Inc. hosts events in various states throughout the year.

The state-based shows we held for the 2022 calendar include:

  • Victoria – Friesian Warmblood Winter Woolies – 19th June 2022
  • Western Australia – AFWHS Inc Horse Breed Festival – 29th May 2022
  • Western Australia-  WA Friesian Warmblood Horse of the Year & State Championships – 9th October 2022
  • Western Australia- WA Friesian Warmblood Dressage Championships – 6th November 2022
  • South Australia- SA Friesian Warmblood State Championships (combined with AHAA SA States)- 4th December 2022
  • Victoria- Victorian Friesian Warmblood State Championships – TBC December 2022

Agricultural Shows throughout the country host Friesian Warmblood classes. Registered horses can compete in Royal and Agricultural classes throughout the show season. The Society is always open to sponsoring classes to be included in additional events and therefore welcomes societies or individuals to make contact to advise of any future opportunities for competitions for Friesian Warmbloods.

The Society also supports members who participate in events with their Friesian Warmblood horses by providing “Best Performed Friesian Warmblood” prizes at a number of events. In Victoria, this includes the Top Teams events in the Horse Riding Clubs Association (HRCAV), while South Australia hold their annual Winter Dressage series award and in Western Australia includes the annual Peel Showman series and Swan River Dressage series. If you are a member and would like to see such a prize on offer, do not hesitate to email your state representative who can arrange this for you.

Opportunities for sponsorship arise throughout the year at each of the State based events. Sponsors receive the following benefits:

  • Logos and advertising opportunities in show program

  • Acknowledgement of sponsorship on our website with a link to your website

  • Acknowledgement of sponsorship on our Facebook page with a link to your website and/or Facebook page

  • Sponsorship recognition via PA throughout events

  • Invitation to present awards (eg: rugs, garlands, sashes) to winners of your sponsored class/es**. This will provide you with photo opportunities in recognition of your sponsorship.

  • Opportunity to advertise your products by providing banners and other promotional materials at sponsored events. This includes providing materials to be distributed to competitors and spectators (pamphlets/samples etc)